All life on the planet is interconnected and humans have a responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world.
The Green Party of Ontario is independent yet is philosophically aligned with other green parties in Canada and around the world.
We are fiscally responsible, socially progressive and environmentally focused.
Every Green Party riding association has its own board. At a minimum a board has to have a president and a treasurer. Often, there will also be a secretary, and people who coordinate events and fundraising etc.
You can read more about the Provincial Green Party here.
The board of the Provincial Greens in our riding
Our current board, voted in at the latest Annual General Meeting:
President: Eric Uyttewaal
Treasurer: Patrick Moullas
Fundraising & Events: Mesha Sagram
Youth Representative: Steven Warren
Members at large: Ursula Ferrero, David Stibbe
Honorary member: Otty Otterwa (no voting rights)
Support the Provincial Greens in our riding
You can support your local Green Party by donating, volunteering and or becoming a member.
Donations help build a fund to finance our election campaigns, pay the cost of running the local chapter, pay for the website etc. Donate
We all have busy lives, but it would be great if you can help out at one of our events, or even taking ownership of an event once a year. You can sign up here. Volunteer
You can also become a member. This allows you to chose a candidate to run for a seat in the next election. Note their are federal and provincial memberships as those are two different organisations (but run mostly by the same local people in our case): Become a member of the Provincial Greens